Who's responsible if my boat damages another at a marina

When you own a boat, you’re responsible for any accidents it may cause, not just while out joyriding on the water, but also while it’s docked at a marina. Even while stationary, your boat could cause damage to another vessel at the docking station. So what happens if your boat hits another boat at the marina and damages it? Who’s responsible for this mess, anyway?

Luckily a South Carolina independent insurance agent can not only answer this question for you, but also help you get set up with the right coverage. They know exactly what kind of South Carolina boat insurance you need, and they’ll get you set up with it long before you ever need to file a claim. But first, here’s a closer look at how boat insurance would protect you in this particular scenario.

Who’s Responsible If My Boat Damages Another at a Marina?

Who’s responsible will depend on why your boat damaged another at the marina. You’d be held responsible for damage to the other boat if the cause of the damage could be traced back to your own negligence. If your failure to maintain your boat led to it catching on fire, which then caused damage to a nearby boat, you’d be responsible. Fortunately, if you were proven to have been negligent, your personal watercraft or boat insurance would protect you.

Why Is Boat Insurance Important in South Carolina?

When considering if you need protection for your personal watercraft, it’s helpful to see reports of boating incidents across the country. Check out a couple of boating accident stats for the US and decide for yourself if boat insurance is important to you.

Total damage caused by recreational boating accidents in the US from 2001 to 2019 (in million US dollars)

In 2019 alone, a reported total of $55.32 million in damage was caused by boating accidents. This includes all accidents, both those on the water and at the marina. The 2019 total was a substantial increase from the reported $31.31 million in damage in the year 2001. So, it appears boat accidents are getting more common and costly over time.

Number of deaths/injuries directly linked to boating accidents in the US from 2002 to 2019

Fortunately the trend of deaths and injuries relating to boating accidents appears to have decreased over time. In 2002, a reported 750 deaths and 4,062 injuries were caused by boating accidents in the US. In 2019, these numbers had fallen to 613 deaths and 2,559 injuries. Still, that’s way too many incidents per year to not anticipate needing coverage, just in case.

Since boating incidents are fairly common and certainly costly, that’s even more reason to look into getting boat insurance coverage in South Carolina.

What Does Boat Insurance Cover in South Carolina?

Boat insurance in South Carolina operates much the same way it does in other states. Your boat insurance policy provides a lot of important protection,  not only for your boat, but also for you and other boat owners.

Boat insurance in South Carolina provides the following main coverages:

  • Personal property damage: Including your boat, trailer, and engine if it’s damaged by a covered peril like vandalism, etc.
  • Medical payments: Coverage reimburses for treatment of injuries to you and your passengers who get hurt in some way by your boat or while on your boat.
  • Property damage liability: Coverage reimburses property damage costs to third parties caused by your boat.
  • Bodily injury liability: Coverage reimburses for injuries to third parties who are physically harmed by your boat.

A South Carolina independent insurance agent can help you get set up with all the boat insurance you need to feel safe out on the water, and at the dock.

What Doesn't Boat Insurance Cover in South Carolina?

While boat insurance in South Carolina offers a lot of crucial protection, it also comes with its own set of coverage exclusions. Some common examples of exclusions include:

  • Non-owned watercraft incidents: Boat insurance doesn’t typically cover injuries or property damage caused to or by rented watercraft. You can, however, add an endorsement to your policy to make up for this.
  • Business-related incidents: If you use your boat for business purposes and end up causing harm to someone else, your boat insurance policy won’t cover you. You'd need South Carolina commercial liability insurance for that.
  • Intentional incidents: Boat insurance also doesn’t cover you if you use your boat to harm someone else on purpose. But besides lacking coverage, that’s just mean, anyway.

If you’re concerned about any area in which you feel your boat insurance policy may be lacking coverage, talk to your South Carolina independent insurance agent. They’ll help you bridge any gaps in protection.

Will My South Carolina Boat Insurance Offer Full Coverage for the Damage to My Boat as Well?

The short answer is yes, but be sure to double-check your specific boat insurance policy with your South Carolina independent insurance agent. In certain cases this coverage must be added to a boat insurance policy. But generally yes, your boat insurance provides reimbursement for physical damage to your own boat in case of an incident.

Am I Responsible for Covering Any Damage Sustained on the Other Boat?

According to insurance expert Paul Martin, if it’s concluded that the damage to the other person’s boat happened as a result of your negligence, then yes, you’d be responsible. Luckily your boat insurance policy also provides reimbursement for property damage liability, so if you got sued by the other boater for damaging their boat, you’d be protected from fees arising from a lawsuit, as well as being reimbursed for the physical damage.

Here’s How a South Carolina Independent Insurance Agent Can Help

When it comes to protecting against your boat causing damage to another at the marina, and all other strange incidents, no one’s better equipped to help than a South Carolina independent insurance agent. Independent insurance agents search through multiple carriers to find providers who specialize in boat insurance, deliver quotes from a number of different sources, and help you walk through them all to find the best blend of coverage and cost.

Article Reviewed by | Paul Martin




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